Monday Motivational Talk

02:24 Melka 0 Comments

Have you woken up to a day full of chores and routines that just have to be done? Not happy with them? If your answer was yes then read on.
I am neither a life coaching expert nor do I have a perfect universal solution to challenges people may come across but at least I can share with you my own techniques of turning the day around from a loooooong and dull into a vibrant and more productive.


A perfect way to tweak your not so good Monday morning mood is to do something you really love doing, immediately, as you get up of the bed. What's mine? Watching Australian Open live at the moment, (yes, tennis is a cure for my soul, watching or playing) and when it finishes, my mornings will start with playing music, the music that makes me feel energised and empowered. Example:


I have nothing against The National News but news usually fail to stimulate my mind. Reading other people's blogs and articles on leadership, business or technology innovations are doing it for me. This not because reading is my passion, this is because I read about something I have found burning passion for. Do it too. Find area of interests and deepen your knowledge, in the morning, right there, sipping your aromatic coffee. It's fun and it warms up your grey matter to actively work for the whole day. You'll leave your house loaded with ideas and positivity. 
Some websites to look at:


This one is my favourite area to focus on. Fitness and sports. You may want to start the day with a few yoga stretches to lubricate your joints and oxygenate all your inner organs. Morning Running has always had many fans. Absolutely fantastic method to jog your way into more focused and productive day. Tight for time excuse is coming to your head? Just make sure you have enough time later in life to earn enough money that pay all your medical care costs. Ok, agree, you exercise in the evenings, prepare a plan in the morning at least.

Here's mine for today:

Venue: Local Park
Type of workout: High Intensity Interval Training
Time frame: 45minutes: Four rounds of ten exercises, using 45sec/15sec time pattern, (45 secs is high intensity and 15 secs is rest)
Exercises: Run in spot; Squats with weights; Mountain climbers; Spider Push ups; Run in Spot; Bench step ups with weights; Mountain climbers; Leg pull ups from hanging position; Run in Spot; Superman Planks alternating legs and arms.

I urge you! Go the distance to be your best, right here, right now, using your own unique methods! The satisfaction and the difference you will start making in your own and others' lives is worth every effort.

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