04:54 Melka 0 Comments

As a blogger, I read a lot of articles and posts available on fertile soil of online platforms (metaphors are sexy, please writing experts, don't advise me to get rid of them). Whereas a portion of new content makes its way to our consideration way too often, it is important to be picky and control what we read, how much and what topics we want to read about. We can process only certain amount of information in a day anyway in order to get the most of our studying. 
I have chosen three blogs that I visit regularly, without a fail. Why? I have very strong reasons to do so.
Read on.

If you want to be good at something, find the people who do it right and copy them. This statement perfectly explains why I read this blog that is mainly written for men by a man whose grooming knowledge exceeds expectations of the most demanding readers. Every product reviewed here, receives a thorough and honest insight on branding, packaging, price, and most importantly - the quality of the formula. This blog reads itself, narrative talent of the author shines through each new paragraph published on here.

I value this blog highly  for knowledgable advice, experience in the world of blogging and honesty. Another thing I am really passionate about in  The Male Grooming Review is that its preference is to test all natural skincare so nasties aren't allowed on this blogger's well groomed face. Ladies, check it out. 

This blog first captured my attenttion with its Raw Nature Fuel Protein Energy Seed & Nut Bars Post. I have always been a healthy  eater and articles about super foods are staples on my reading list. I am so glad I came across this one. It teaches you how to prepare natural snacks and meals in easy to follow steps, it gives you fascinating information on nutritional density of certain foods, it simply proves healthy meals are scrumptious gifts from nature for you to savour. 
It's not just about good food here. By following this blog you'll find out about yoga and author's personal practice to stay fit, energised and in tune with herself. The article about running strongly agrees with my own opinion - those who think it's not for them, must try it, as they'll be astonished how quickly they can improve on pace, distance and cardiovascular fitness.

This blog has  hugely helped me in bringing  new healthy dishes to my, once very boring, table. It literally fuels my body and mind as the title suggests. I am following through all media possible.

Natural beauty is the theme that attracted me to this space. The author's expert outlook to skincare and make up earns trust from the readers and keeps you longing for the next post. It's simply, that good. Well structured articles give the feeling of clarity. Each review here is written ruled by th esame guidelines, therefore information on specific products can be found very easily.
 My personal affection towards the classy Mademoiselle Nature is the aesthetic aspect of the blog. Visit now to see for yourself, how the title, logo and layout harmoniously co-exist to bring unforgettable reading experience, you won't want to leave this page. It's a combination of minimalistic yet attractive design with engaging content. The quality of the photos must also be mentioned. Blogging at its best.

I hope you enjoyed my personal recommnedation of blogs, they really provide insightful opportunity for us to learn and be inspired by. 

Because I am fairly new to blogging, I am not sure how to nominate  a blog for recognition award. I would love to hear some advice on that please.

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