How to keep your summer tan naturally?

03:51 Melka 0 Comments

Unless you are lucky enough to travel somewhere exotic in the coming months, you have already started worrying about losing that beautiful sun kissed tan. At Pamper Point, we have a few tips for you to use now if you wish to look fabulous all the way until New Year's Eve.

If you have used  scrubs to prepare your skin before sunbathing season, you probably went for nut shell or salt based products. Now that skin is golden brown, you should concentrate on exfoliating in a kinder way, by using natural clay for instance. Green and pink clay based wraps on a body will exfoliate, draw out impurities without affecting your tan. We recommend French Green Illite Clay or mud based products. Our finds to do the job are Fango Purificante by Borghese and PuSoma 


Even though you'd instinctively go for a specific tan boosting supplement to maximise the effects of sun bathing both pre- and post season, we highly recommend you take a different approach. Focus on trying to nourish your skin from within by finding a skin supplement formulated with super foods, herbs, vitamins and minerals. Make sure your supplement contains a fair amount of naturally derived carotenoids (from red, orange and dark green fruit and vegetables) which protect the skin from free radicals and keeps the melanin levels high.
Our latest find and point of talk is this Wild Nutrition Food-Grown Skin, Hair and Nails Supplement.

I still can't get over the fact that many women don't apply a quality body cream after every shower. It's like about 95 % of your skin left out without proper care. You wouldn't do it to your face, would you?
If you are looking to keep that summer tan naturally and safely (no tan beds or chemical ladden spray tans) work on making body hydration an every day habit and use quality nourishing butters and balms.

Find our recommendations below...

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