05:48 Melka 0 Comments

This month is all about love and romance, therefore a good moment for all beauty queens to rethink their make up styles and maybe try something more daring, sexier - or the opposite,  play it down to become a delicate and stunningly natural seductress.

Whichever route your beautifying pre- Valentine's Day process is going to take, there are many amazing suggestions submitted by creative bloggers for you to browse through. I have done some research to bring here the most interesting (in my opinion) make up propositions:

Lips, Kissable Lips...

Eyes vs Lips Dilemma has always caused the risk of achieving the style that looks somewhat unfinished in certain areas. It's absolutely fine if you apply eye shadows plus eye liner with a few layers of black mascara and have darker hues of red, brown or pink on the lips too. Just take a look at this beautiful make up suggestion: 

Not only did this make up bring out stunning features of this face but also it gave her a perfectly balanced and seductive evening look. Plus, it was made using natural, toxins free products. Yes, it's possible ladies.

However, if you feel overdone with full on make up and only want to enhance your lips for your big Valentine's Date, you can do that too. I love reading valuable tips on this blog:

You can't go wrong being guided by  this professional green make up artist. Fantastic.

Here's my secret tip for preparing that perfect pout:

 Before you apply any lip balm and colour lipstick,  spend a minute or two massaging your lips with  a dry toothbrush (no toothpaste on). It removes dead cells and smooths out the skin, boosts blood circulation and thus gives you naturally fuller lips at an instant. Anything you apply after this simple routine, will absorb more easily, nutrients will sink into deeper layers of your skin and you'll enjoy a smooth and evenly colour covered lips, all night long.

Look me in the eyes...

Planning to mesmerise your Valentine with smouldering gaze? Study these step-by-step make up tutorials for beautiful, natural yet bold results. 

This post is all visual with minimum writing, perfect for those who have some experience in make up application and need some inspiration. My personal favourite is the Brown Smokey Eyes Tutorial from above website, it will look great on both fair and more olive skins and really will make your peeps pierce through the heart of your choice - in a loving way of course.

If you haven't got the skill, time or patience to play with techniques suggested above, maybe you want to try my tip:

Apply bronzer lightly  in the space between your brow and brow bone, see picture:

Next, use some of your blusher on the lid, see picture:

Finally, apply mascara on your eyelashes, minimum two coats and you are good to go. This trick  lifts your eyes and there is no need for eye shadows which can cause head aches for less experienced beauties.

Enjoyed reading this post? Come back soon to find out my latest natural beauty product discovery.
Feel free to comment, advise me, criticise and praise if I deserved.

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